Artificial Intelligence, known as AI, is taking away from artists. With the simple download of an app, it will draw whatever people want. This is harming artists.
AI takes away opportunities for artists. People could lie that AI art is theirs and end up winning a prize that a real artist could have won. AI could start taking away jobs from artists; for example, a company needing a logo might just use AI instead of paying an artist to design it. Art school enrollment and funding may decrease from people thinking there is no need for artists when AI exists.
AI steals a bunch of art from different artists to be able to make whatever is asked of it. This is horrible because artists take years to develop their skills and art style just for AI to use it without their consent. While this may not seem like a big deal to just anyone it is to artists because they are having what they made stolen and nobody seems to care.
People may lose interest in drawing because AI can just do it for them, but AI art is not the same as real people’s art – real people’s art is more lively, unlike AI. Real artists’ art has their own unique style that they made; it represents them.
AI could also drain creativity out of people. Since AI can draw anything, people will start losing creativity because AI can do it for them. The world will start to lose color because AI is taking creativity out of the world.
One may wonder, “How does this affect me? Why should I pay for art if I can get it made for free?” Paying for an artist to draw something is helping support them. The drawing will be filled with feelings and emotions. AI could draw whatever someone wants but it will have messed up bits that don’t match, and it may not understand what someone wants to be fixed. A real person could fix something if they are asked to, and a real artist would be able to understand someone better than AI.
AI needs to be stopped; the world needs real artists.